Chantel Mathson

As a military wife, Chantel has moved all over the country – so she knows what it is like to not know anyone in a new town and understands how hard it is to create a community. After her first move as a young wife, she realized her experience was not unique, most military spouses had moved far from their homes so she decided that instead of focusing on feeling lonely, she would help others feel loved and appreciated and reach out to them by inviting them to tea.

Chantel grew up having tea parties with her mom so it was rooted in her soul that tea parties were a place to slow down and connect. She went back to those roots and what started with a cup of tea soon grew into a community. Chantel has continued to create communities all over the country and finds that the magic really happens in the one to one relationships.

It is Chantel’s strong belief that If we can connect with and impact just one person’s life for the better. it will have a ripple effect and create a positive impact wherever we go. She is committed to spreading joy one cup of tea at a time. This is accomplished not only on a personal level with her friends and family, but also through consulting, custom tea presentations, Tea With Chantel workshops that teach how to create a community and build ministries that bring people to Christ.

Chantel’s love for people, along with her enthusiasm and energy, are contagious traits that make her an entertaining and effective keynote and workshop speaker. ‪Chantel and her husband, Matt, have 3 kids and 2 dogs. They keep busy by traveling the world and slow down by enjoying tea together and curling up with a good book. Thankfully, her children also share her love of tea, travel and reading.

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Ready! I love to connect with others.